Exactly, thanks for posting this (you beat me to it).
It's not that we need to constantly respond to every Tornado post with a Twisted rebuttal - but it is appropriate to respond to articles the contain FUD and demonstrate far less elegant, far more verbose, non cross-platform solutions.
from eventlet import api
def handle_socket(address):
sock, ip = address
while True:
api.tcp_server(api.tcp_listener(('', 6000)), handle_socket)
Note that this is a multiplexing non blocking server, exactly like Twisted / Tornado. All features built-in in the language. Tcl failed copying the obvious missing features from other languages. Other languages are failing copying the good things from Tcl.
p.s. note the poetry contained in the "vwait forever" statement ;) Our program is willing to run without stop until the end of the universe.