Its probably hard to talk about without naming names and violating NDAs. However I can think of at least three areas to search:
1) Hand wavy "who will support this?" arguments. Sometimes with a prefix of "when you leave, who will..." etc.
2) Extreme top down management style "all innovation comes from above, even if that results in none at all". Often closely tied with credentialism. "we pay engineers to innovate, so shut up and do what they say". I interned at a place like that decades ago, now out of business.
3) Empire building / contractual obligation. "We paid a zillion bucks for lotus notes, you will use it, I don't care if it makes things slower than simple manual processes or your new ideas, we will use Lotus Notes anyway"
I was told last week not to create any macros whatsoever. Everything must be either completely manual, or outsourced to India. I work in one of the largest financial institutions in the world.
As a libertarian, my personal philosophy leads me to be suspicious of all large organizations, and one of the reasons why is that once you become large enough to stop being rigidly held to a standard such as the market's demand for efficiency (there are other possible standards, but that's a popular one; small local governing organizations can also be effectively held to account by their constituents, for instance), you become free to do things like start playing turf games internally without regard to whether it impacts the bottom line. Government, company, non-profit, club, union, NGO, sports organization like the MLB, doesn't matter, as soon as you are free to engage in human politics without restraint you get too many people who begin playing games that destroy societal value for their own local political gains. In this case, doing everything manually is a net loss for society, and a net loss to the company in question, but a local gain for the person making that dictate (or at least perceived to be a local gain, which is good enough), and so the trade is made.
It is thought that these niche languages are more productive in the hands of an expert, but then, you need an expert, which is scary for the corporate bottom line. Hence the mass adoption of Java to keep workers interchangeable.
Thankfully a few companies have realized what Jane Street did: niche languages actually make hiring easier if you are looking for top talent, and of course, the productivity is better too.