No. Rivers changed courses. The levels of rain fluctuated. The levels other important resources fluctuated, namely those like animals, trees, and other raw materials that pre-industrial societies relied on.
>The levels of rain fluctuated. The levels other important resources fluctuated, namely those like animals, trees, and other raw materials that pre-industrial societies relied on.
For one, these doesn't affect outlook on life and youth as an experience much. Except if they involve huge hardships etc.
Second, all those were more or less constant (sure, "levels of rain fluctuated", but they fluctuated thoughtout the life of each generation, and throughout generations). Villages lived the same way of life, with the same rivers and the same kind of weather climate for centuries on end. Heck, in lots of places in rural Europe (Greece, Spain, France, Italy, etc) they still do (distractions of modern mass media and available consumer goods aside).
The environment is fundamentally in flux.