"The move follows state schools Superintendent Mike Flanagan’s assertions — after an 8-day series about charters published by the Free Press — that he would crack down on poor-performing authorizers. The “State of Charter Schools” series showed that Michigan charters receive nearly $1 billion per year in taxpayer money from the state, often with little accountability, transparency or academic achievement."
"The move follows state schools Superintendent Mike Flanagan’s assertions — after an 8-day series about charters published by the Free Press — that he would crack down on poor-performing authorizers. The “State of Charter Schools” series showed that Michigan charters receive nearly $1 billion per year in taxpayer money from the state, often with little accountability, transparency or academic achievement."
And the in-depth (all articles may not be online done of charter school misspending: http://www.freep.com/article/20140623/NEWS06/306230027/chart...