While author is probably getting the point of mobile gaming, it should be obvious that it's not about big banner games that you work on for months and hope it to be hit. It's about very quickly churning out dozens of games a year and see what sticks. People I know in this business haven't become millionaires but they don't feel this is a lost cause as business (whether this is also tasteful or not that's another question). They usually weep out a game in a weekend, sometime very silly stuff that is just made out of "template game" replaced by stock graphics. In other words, they write little or no code, design little or no graphics for most of the time. Once in a while they might make a game with some original code and graphics but that's not typical. When they do this, they have offshore people doing much of the grunt work. Sometimes these offshore people are "permanent" employees of their little company but they don't get salaries. Instead they are offered stack in the company. All these keeps net costs down when it comes to cash flow. Most mobile games that have succeeded aren't earth shattering graphics or code. So their hope is that one of their silly things would eventually work out and become a huge hit to pay off year or two worth of weekend work.