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> engineers from Hack Reactor

Don't you think an engineer knows a bit more by spending 4-5 years getting his diploma?

At least in terms of starting salary and job prospects, Hack Reactor grads are significantly ahead of typical 4 year CS grads, even those from great schools. That said I think there's a huge difference in variance in CS degree holders.

Somehow, a lot of people graduate with CS degrees from respected programs without actually being able to solve typical software engineering problems. I don't know if this is due to cramming and forgetting, leaning on stronger classmates or something else. Nobody gets through Hack Reactor without doing a lot of problem solving and a lot of jumping into unfamiliar code bases and frameworks. Don't forget that due it its extremely intense schedule, Hack Reactor is actually 900+ hours of instruction.

Some CS undergrads go far beyond their course assignments. Much like Hack Reactor students, they regularly stay up until late into the night learning new things, working on open source and building projects. After four years of that kind of student life, these students have truly impressive technical skills.

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