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I attended MakerSquare this past spring with 20 other people and it was well worth it. The program was intense, but it taught software engineering principles and everyone that graduated was able to build a full RoR application at graduation. It did not "teach to the test", but instead Almost everyone that I graduated with 4 months ago have found jobs with a better pay than they had been making previously. A couple things to keep in mind:

Pick a school that has a good reputation. The reputation of the school will help you a lot during your job search.

Get ready to work hard! My class worked 6-7 days a week for 9+ hours/day. Cram as much information into your head as you can during the 12 weeks.

Pick a school that has a career services section! This was invaluable for everyone that graduated from MakerSquare. The career services team sets up connections with companies that are hiring and lets them know what to expect from the school's graduates.

So why go to a bootcamp? Yes, you can learn how to code on your own, but you will learn a lot more in the 3 month program than you can on your own in 3 months. The other benefits? Bounce questions off of teachers for a full 3 months (and more). Work with the other students that are there for the same reasons you are. Network with your classmates, other school alumni and professionals in the industry that know about your school. Have a team at your school working to get you hired whenever you need a job. The benefits greatly outweigh the costs if you work hard.

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