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Hackerschool is a bit different than what the OP is asking for though.

"I don't know how to program. Can I do Hacker School? No, sorry. Hacker School is currently only for people who already know how to code. Think of it like a writers workshop. We're here to help people become great novelists, but you have to already know English and be comfortable writing essays." - https://www.hackerschool.com/faq

Sounds like the op doesn't have any experience and wants to learn to code for the first time.

Yeah, I read his/her post a few times to try to figure out if (s)he had any experience and wasn't sure, and not seeing anyone mentioning Hacker School, I thought it'd add to the discussion.

Since (s)he doesn't specify his/her level of experience, I thought it'd be worth bringing up.

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