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I've been a hiring partner at one of these "schools" run by a former colleague. The quality of hires was abysmal overall, and gave me a bad taste for these sorts of places in the future. My fear would be that after attending such a place, you may come out and be hit with a negative opinion of your skills just because of where you learned them.

Even if you can't say which school specifically, can you give more detail about the city or tech stack? I'd imagine Utah + Ruby has different outcomes than San Francisco + Ruby.

Sorry, just saw your question. I don't want to say specifically, but the school is an ASP.NET MVC (mostly) shop in Houston. They teach some front end UI also using various frameworks (jQuery, Backbone, etc) and backend is all C# (using Razor in the CSHTML). Lots of folks in the program have never coded in their life, so it's mostly exposure to what programming for the web is like, but the folks have difficulty putting it into practice.

But how does it compare to recent grads from a state college?

Sorry, just saw this as well.

In our experience, recent grads usually come from a CS or engineering background, so they at least have a strong familiarity with algorithmic thinking, and a much stronger exposure to various programming languages, and comprehend what a data structure is.

The folks from the school we've interviewed with are people who, mostly, have never even seen a programming language before they went to the "school"/program. Most of them had zero background in anything abstract enough to really grok programming, and it was painfully obvious (to us, and to most of the candidates we interviewed as well).

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