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I'll just leave this here -https://medium.com/@_seantaylor/how-foursquare-bought-my-dom...

Welcome to America, baby.

Not sure if I empathize much. I highly doubt such a large company looked at that idea, and said, "hey's let's steal that idea!". This was probably in the works well before they tried to buy the domain and they decided that they wanted his domain because some decided it fitted the idea best. It could have even been a naming agency that picked the name. Big companies tend to refer to naming companies for their product names.

Just having an idea, and working on it for a few years, and then crying foul when someone gets there faster is not how the valley works. People get beaten all the time. Case in point, Uber releases private beta of Pool yesterday, and today Lyft announces Lines. Granted these are two huge companies, but none accused each other of stealing a concept. It's a natural evolution.

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