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The Design and Implementation of XMonad (xmonad.wordpress.com)
39 points by fogus on Sept 9, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I can't believe metacity is 50,000 lines of C code. I always thought it was so bland and minimalistic.

It doesn't do a whole lot for that, but C can be quite verbose and the standard Xlib bindings don't help at all.

I use a really similar wm called Awesome (written in C and Lua), but I might switch once I grok haskell more.

Another fellow awesome user on HN :)

I used xmonad for a while actually before switching to awesome. I found the latter easier to configure and better out of the box (especially with multiple displays), plus I wanted to learn Lua over Haskell at the time. I found my productivity increased dramatically using either.

Great slides, and having tried nearly all of them, this is my favorite Window Manager.

My favorite tilling WM http://wmii.suckless.org/ You can configure it with any scripting language but the downside is the help is lacking compared to the IRC community for XMonad and awesome.

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