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The Aesthetics of Web Apps in 6 Questions (readwriteweb.com)
56 points by mgcreed on Sept 8, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

It's a nice long compilation of interviews with several designers, broken up by topic. I love this "talking shop" approach rather than just throwing up 50 screenshots in a random list - I can always visit one of the CSS gallery sites if I want to see visuals w/o any analysis.

Such a relief to see this talked about..!

So much design discourse is relegated to online magazines/publications/portfolio sites.. It's quite refreshing to see some focus in the web apps arena.

Does this count as 'A List of N Things'..? =)

Interesting read. As a developer design is definitely one of my pain-points. Fortunately, my current project is for developers! Lucky me :)

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