But sales, or maybe more accurately, marketing, is the art of making people want. 10 years ago, I wasn't dreaming of owning a Cadillac. In fact, I probably would have told you I would never buy a Cadillac in my lifetime, too much of a grandpa car. Now, a little marketing magic, some slick sales moves on TV, and that which I did not want, I now want.
I believe this is what he is talking about. So much of what we purchase, what we 'want' is created by the companies selling the product. So much so that we are no longer aware of it, it's just part of life.
Surely the Cadillac thing is not just clever marketing, though -- there have also been vast improvements in Cadillac's actual products. They combined a marketing push for younger drivers with an actual product (the CTS) with genuine appeal to younger drivers. Marketing alone couldn't make me want a Mercury Grand Marquis.
Well, it kind of depends on your definition of marketing. Certainly the CTS is a new product at the center of Cadillac's new image, but what are new car models other than genius marketing-in-disguise with incremental updates to technology? That's not to poo-poo the CTS, but when you strip off the pretty sheetmetal, it's still 'just' four wheels meant to get you where you're going. From a product stand point it's not so different from a BMW, Acura, Lincoln or Chevy. The difference is the feeling evoked by the sharp lines, aggressive stance, and the seductive model they've got driving it. In other words, marketing.
Maybe that's too broad of a definition for this particular thread, but I think it's a good example of how marketing and sales are truly interwoven in everything we touch. Every product on the shelf is designed in this manner, to make consumers want it, or to convince them they need it.
Marketing: Meeting the needs and desires of the customer at a profit.
It's a pet peeve of mine when people conflate advertising (hiring a seductive model), and some very narrow areas of marketing (identifying that successful, young customers like sport-luxury vehicles) with marketing as a whole.
I'd agree that from a product stand point it's not so different from a BMW, Lincoln or Acura... but it's not remotely similar to a Chevy. If you're interested in a sport/luxury sedan, Chevy has nothing to offer you. They can do sport, or sedan, but not sport, luxury and sedan simultaneously.
I believe this is what he is talking about. So much of what we purchase, what we 'want' is created by the companies selling the product. So much so that we are no longer aware of it, it's just part of life.