Ok, some more of the statistics on the 20% number.
We had each tailor measure each person across 17 different measurements. Across those 4 tailors (on each person and each measurement), you could see a standard deviation. So then we also looked at the standard deviation of the average of those 4 tailors vs. the MTailor software's system. Our standard deviation was 20% lower.
Happy to go into even more detail if people are interested!
Looks like a really cool product. Are you thinking of moving to android? Don't mean to nit pick but you are mixing up accuracy and precision. If your standard of deviation is 20% lower, then you are more precise then professional tailors. Accuracy denotes some distance from some "true" value. Accuracy != Precision
Definitely planning on Android (but not for a few months).
You're definitely right about precision vs. accuracy. The phrase never polled as well. Maybe if we'd run our surveys in the statistics department it would have been different. :-)
From the video, we build a full 3D scan of you (lots of math / machine learning here). Then we essentially take a digital tape measure to your 3D scan.
We had each tailor measure each person across 17 different measurements. Across those 4 tailors (on each person and each measurement), you could see a standard deviation. So then we also looked at the standard deviation of the average of those 4 tailors vs. the MTailor software's system. Our standard deviation was 20% lower.
Happy to go into even more detail if people are interested!