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Cappuccinocasts: free screencasts on the Cappuccino framework (cappuccinocasts.com)
32 points by henning on Sept 5, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

I wonder how many people find this sort of thing more useful than a text article with a few well-placed screenshots. I can easily see how a video can be handy when explaining some highly visual and interactive environment but in this case, you're mostly staring at a dude's editor or browser while he types things and clicks things. A dude with the accent and cadence of a cartoon hypnotist, no less. The effort expended in producing a screencast must easily exceed that of writing up the same information. Not to mention ease of addressability, indexing, updatability, etc, etc, etc.

I did felt like in a Kraftwerk concert sometimes. The idea of creating a screencast for showing how Capuccino works is great and I hope the author keeps doing this effort.

I don't find it as useful when learning something completely new, but it's been great watching railscasts once a week to pick up new skills. It fills in the gaps between screenshots.

I think that one or two solid, relatively short, screencasts can sell me on a framework or language... DHH's screencasts back in the day sold me on Rails despite his unique voice :-)

After that, something that is text-searchable is really preferable...

I started using Cappuccino on a project about a week ago now. I watched one Cappuccinocast, and then wished that some of the text-based Cappuccino tutorials were better developed. By now, I've found my way, though knowing Objective-C and Javascript really helped.

Screencasts are usually good to give an overview of something's capabilities, but rarely are they useful for teaching how something works.

Unfortunately, talking into a microphone is easier than typing, and reading is harder than being dictated to.

Yep, it makes no sense, and you shouldn't need OCR to get code samples on your clipboard.

He includes links to code on the site. There is a GitHub repository with all code in it.

"Free" screencasts? Is anyone actually straight-facedly trying to charge for screencasts?

http://peepcode.com and http://www.screencastsonline.com both charge for what they call screencasts.

Arguably much of the content from http://www.lynda.com and other video training providers could also be called screencasts.

Huh! Thanks.

I look forward to seeing some new screencasts on that site. The last one is from May.

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