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There are also a bunch of apps for the iPad (and other tablets I'm sure) that'll do more or less exactly this over wifi, which will probably perform adequately (for some tasks).

Way to not watch the video at all. He addresses WiFi as unsuitable both because it has too slow refresh rate, and because on any site with firewall-restricted-WiFi it doesn't work at all.

I find this comment interesting - "Way to not watch the video at all", as if it was somehow self-evident that someone HAS to sit through several minutes of video, which if you think about it is a very slow and almost old-fashioned way of presenting information compared to the speedily-read, rapidly-understood alternative of straightforward plain text.

Kickstarter pages are a good example of this phenomenon. Fundamentally, my time is not unlimited, so I read the text first. Only if I'm fascinated do I then go on to watch the video. Is it just me?

You start with "as if it's somehow self-evident that you HAVE to sit through the video" and continue onto "Kickstarter pages are well known for having information in the video which isn't in the text", so you do expect that to be the case.

It does seem self-evident that if you open a page and it has a large video center stage, then the video is the bit they're wanting you see.

Fair enough that you prefer text, but the "I didn't look at the thing you wanted me to look at, but think you probably have no clue about your problem and haven't done any research before spending ages making your prototypes and starting a kickstarter and announcing plans for a manufacturning run" is weak.

You're reading a lot into my message that I didn't say, and also attributing quotes to me that I did not make.

Anyway, it was just an observation, nothing more.

I actually did watch the video, and that was the reason for my bracketed "for some tasks" caveat.

If you're doing the kind of work at a client site - typically the kind of place where wifi would be restricted - where having a second display is useful, you could just ask to borrow an external display: it's in their best interests to find you one if it's going to get the job done faster.

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