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Ask HN: Which podcasts do you listen to/watch?
63 points by asaddhamani on July 16, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 63 comments
Can be related to either technology or entrepreneurship. An example would be TWiST.

Ohh finally something for me You are not so smart - Very nice podcast about cognitive biases, psychology and so on. (Last episode I heard was about dangers of alternative medicine)

99 Percent Invisible - About design of everything. From architecture to industrial design. (Last episode was about fire escapes and their history)

Radiolab - Quite varied but always amazingly produced stories about science (Last one was about brain stimulation using electricity)

Freakonomics - Great podcast about economics, amazing life advice. (Last one was about how to "Make you garden weed itself")

Hello Internet - Two dudes talking genre. Brady (Numberphile and more) and CGP Gray. (Last one was about flags of states of USA, ugh Maryland)

Pragmatic - Also two dudes. But on topic of engineering. (Last was about programming in military)

I also recommend http://www.shiftyjelly.com/pocketcasts for listening. Really great app.

Thank you for listening.

During my commutes I enjoying listing to these non-tech specific podcasts:

This American Life - http://www.thisamericanlife.org/

Try this one: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/441/w..., about Patent Trolls to get hooked.

Radio Lab - http://www.radiolab.org/

Try this one: http://www.radiolab.org/story/193037-turing-problem/ about Alan Turing.

Snap Judgement - http://snapjudgment.org/

Good old fashion stories that are all over the place.

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History(http://www.dancarlin.com/disp.php/hh) My favorite so far was the 13 hour series on the decline of the Roman republic. The parallels with current American politics were haunting.

I'm loving the suggestions.

I compiled a list of the podcasts I listen to in a series of posts here: http://tech.theswamp.in/blog/categories/podcast/

For people who don't want to click through, or just want the list:



a. BBC Analysis

b. BBC Any Questions & Any Answers

c. Freakonomics Radio

d. KCRW's Left, Right & Center

e. NPR Series Weekends on All Things Considered

f. BBC A Point Of View (Started listening to this since after I wrote the post)

g. NPR Pop Culture Happy Hour (Started listening to this since after I wrote the post)


a. Do The Right Thing

b. BBC Friday Night Comedy - The News Quiz

c. International Waters

d. NPR’s Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!

e. NPR’s Ask Me Another


a. BBC 7 Day Sunday#

b. Answer Me This!

c. BBC Friday Night Comedy - The Now Show

d. Ian Collins Wants A Word

e. BBC Mark Kermode & Simon Mayo’s Film Reviews

f. BBC Newsjack

g. BBC Confessions

h. The Bugle


a. BBC Let’s Talk About Tech

b. BBC The Infinite Monkey Cage

c. Radiolab


This may seem like a lot, but not all of them run throughout the year, and some of them only do a few shows a year. I hope you find this useful!

Tangentially, I've noticed that the highest quality podcasts come from publicly funded outlets like the BBC and NPR.

Mostly comedy, but...

* Comedy Bang Bang - http://www.earwolf.com/show/comedy-bang-bang/

* Who Charted? - http://www.earwolf.com/show/who-charted/

* WTF with Marc Maron - http://www.wtfpod.com/

* The Indoor Kids - http://www.nerdist.com/podcast_channel/the-indoor-kids-chann...

* Brainy Gamer (hasn't been updated in a while): http://www.brainygamer.com/the_brainy_gamer/podcast/

Doug Loves Movies is also really good, although it's very guest-dependent.

Harmontown is funny too. If you find Dan Harmon abrasive, the Mitch Hurwitz episodes are funny in their own right.

I can't believe you're the only one who listed wtfpod. I love Maron.

I like Developing Perspective. It's about iOS Development and occasionally useful tips about running a small business.


Security Now with Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte http://twit.tv/sn

Freakshow (German, but best tech podcast I've found so far) http://freakshow.fm/

FLOSS Weekly http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly

Logbuch: Netzpolitik (also German, but best Internet policy podcast I've found so far) http://logbuch-netzpolitik.de/

Of course I listen to many more non-tech related podcasts. What I noticed just now after going through my feed reader, is that I seem to be listening to about as many German ones as English ones, even though the total number of English podcasts out there should be higher.

The only reason I can think of is that (for whatever reason) German podcasters seem to concern themselves more with audio quality. For instance, I just can't listen to TWiST or the kalzumeus podcast, because the audio hurts my ears (at least with headphones on, car is a different matter). There are a bunch of English podcasts that I stopped listening to because of audio quality issues, while I can't remember a single German one for which this was the case.


For design related stuff I really only think Iterate has value http://www.imore.com/iterate

For startup related stuff a number of podcasts comes to mind.

"Startups for the rest of us" http://www.startupsfortherestofus.com/

Probably still most valuable podcast about bootstrapping I have ever listened too.

"Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders" From Stanford Often has some very interesting speakers.

"From Scratch" http://www.fromscratchradio.org/show/

Really good podcast about a wide variety of entrepreneurs (From etzy to atari, Thomas Keller, the guy who made Highline in Manhatten a reality etc) very inspiring.

"New Books in Big Ideas" http://newbooksinbigideas.com/ Sometimes really good but far between the gold nuggets.

What I haven't been able to find is a good podcast about Game design and good podcasts about Bitcoin/CryptoCurrency.

Most stuff in those two areas is either unbearable to listen to or filled with buzzwords.

If any has any indicator about the last two that would be greatly appreciated.

Stuff You Should Know: Two guys explain a different topic (e.g. amputation, avalanches, the game of Monopoly) each episode http://www.stuffyoushouldknow.com/podcasts/

Planet Money: Economics podcast for the masses. High production value. http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/

Cross-posting from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8041215

Manager Tools: http://www.manager-tools.com/

I'm surprised nobody mentioned FLOSS Weekly: http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly

I have these which I enjoy because I'm interested in the subject matter, maybe someone else is too....

Chequered Flag Formula 1: http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/cff1 Skydive Radio: http://www.skydiveradio.com/

Then there are a few which I highly recommend to anyone:

Damn Interesting: http://www.damninteresting.com/ Revolutions: http://www.revolutionspodcast.com/ The British History Podcast: http://thebritishhistorypodcast.com/

If you have any interest in Roman history then you definitely need to check out:

The History of Rome: http://www.thehistoryofrome.typepad.com/

Since you're an F1 fan checkout Formula1blog.com's podcast. It's often lighthearted and fun, with commentary after races dealing with practices up through the final race.

* Software Engineering Radio. This podcast has great guests and isn't afraid to cover quite technical topics. Although, I think it has a bias towards enterprise software development, which isn't one of my major interests. http://www.se-radio.net/

* BBC's Infinite Monkey Cage. Each installment of this lighthearted show is a panel discussion among various scientists and comedians about a particular topic. http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/timc

* The Command Line. A one-man podcast about technology issues. http://thecommandline.net/

I'm always on the lookout for any good podcasts covering hard technical topics or items of interest to the HN crowd, although they seem to be hard to come by. I miss the short-lived HNpod show!

He gets a bit of (admittedly deserved) criticism on HN, but Security Now with Steve Gibson is great for anyone who is interested in security and the like.


I've a Pinterest board dedicated to my favourite shows: http://www.pinterest.com/srikar/podcasts-i-listen-to/

If you're in to the history of Apple's software or Apple development in general, I can't recommend debug[0] enough.

[0] http://www.imore.com/debug/

Even if you are not into Apple, it's great listening.

http://www.imore.com/debug-29-jeff-mcleman-porting-kernels is a must-listen

http://foundation.bz/ - Kevin Rose meets entrepreneurs https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-random-show-podcast/... - Kevin Rose & Tim Ferriss The Infinite Monkey Cage - http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/timc - Professor Brian cox & Robin Ince

'graystevens beat you to the punch:


This is a dupe, so I've flagged it.

I'd say the content volume is this one greatly outnumbers the other thread.

All Web Dev/Design related:

The Big Web Show - http://www.muleradio.net/thebigwebshow/

Shop Talk Show - http://shoptalkshow.com/

Web Friends - http://webfriends.io/

Let's Make Mistakes - http://www.muleradio.net/mistakes/

Big favorite is Star Talk with Neil deGrasse Tyson, but for some reason of all the Podcasts I listen to the ads on that one seem to pull me out of the conversation the most.

If there are any Arabic listeners I'd recommend a podcast I cohost called Hyperlink: http://hyperstage.net/category/podcasts/hyperlink/.

Quick taste from the last ep: https://soundcloud.com/hyperstage/105a

(currently we have some issues with iTunes so SoundCloud is the place to follow)

http://99percentinvisible.org/ - Design focused, but interesting for anyone

http://atp.fm/ - Mac/iOS focused, but again, interesting for anyone

http://www.radiolab.org/ - General interest

http://autocomplete.fm/ - Android focused

Oh, forgot http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/ - economics for people who don't care about economics.

I listen to a lot of the LessWrong works via castify (including their audio books which cover a great deal of of Yudkowsky's sequences): http://castify.co/channels/51-less-wrong

I also use them for ConversionsXL: http://castify.co/channels/47-conversionxl

* The Nerdist (comedy, but about half of the episodes have success stories so it kind of falls under entrepreneurship)

* The Tim Ferris Show

* The Ruby Rogues

* Functional Geekery

* The Smart Passive Income Podcast

* The Nathan Barry Show (very new)

* Mostly Erlang

Omega Tau -- "Science and Engineering in your headphones" -- technically oriented interviews with scientists (often physicists), engineers and technical workers by a German software engineer, in both English and German. Often leans towards aerospace due to host also being an amateur glider pilot.


Free as in Freedom (http://faif.us/) is an oggcast, hosted and presented by Bradley M. Kuhn and Karen Sandler. The discussion includes legal, policy, and many other issues in the Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) world. Occasionally, guests join Bradley and Karen to discuss various topics regarding FLOSS.

I enjoy the productivity / technology podcast Back to Work by Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin.


  > Back to Work is an award winning talk show with Merlin
  > Mann and Dan Benjamin discussing productivity,
  > communication, work, barriers, constraints, tools, and
  > more.

TechZing - Note, for info on TechZing see the TechZing Wiki...


For those of you wanting to escape the tech/entrepreneurship echo chamber, why not check out the BBC's "In Our Time". Consistently high quality, diverse discussion about all sorts of subjects. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qykl

Good podcast on investing: New Focus on Wealth with Chad Burton https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/new-focus-on-wealth-chad...

Covers broad investing issues and not specific to stock picking

Rene Ritchie's vector is always a great listen. It goes beyond the usual rumors and leaks that most tech websites like engadget or gizmodo put and describes the choices of why this technology exists. http://www.imore.com/vector

Smart People Podcast is quite good - the hosts of the show are pretty bright and are great at finding interesting people to pick the minds of. http://www.smartpeoplepodcast.com/

Listen to Lucy has not been mentioned yet: http://podcast.ft.com/index.php?sid=18

Insightful, sarcastic, contemptful and cheering analysis of all things company culture.

Product People: Interviews with people who've build great products. Has a focus on bootstrapped businesses http://productpeople.tv/

* JavaScript Jabber

* Shop Talk (HTML/CSS)

* The Changelog (Open Source)

* ModernWeb Podcast (front end)

* NodeUp

The Truth - Mini Radio shows. Highly underrated. http://thetruthpodcast.com/Archives.html

Found this one very recently .

Podcast on PHP, Software Design and Testing, by @mathiasverraes and @everzet


Planet Money

The Security Weekly podcast

Hardcore History is amazing. The only problem is that you pick up homework assignments from all of the books referenced.

I used to listen to This American Life, but it gets a little annoying if you overdo it.

StarTalk Dan Carlin Hardcore History Build Podcast Programming throwdown coding the path stuff you missed in history class freakonomics stuff you should know

BBC comedy of the week

BBC friday night comedy

Webdev radio

I have been listening to twit too but the sponsorship messages are so long and irritating (and I hate the outtro) so now I'm scouring this list for a new tech podcast

Software engineering radio (The podcast for professional software developers) - http://www.se-radio.net/

Mainly Coder Radio and the Linux/BSD stuff from http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/

I listen to,


BBC Global news ( update twice a day)

Motley Fool (updates once a week)


NPR’s Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!

This one is turning out to be pretty good. [1]


[1]Disclaimer: I work with this team.

The Bugle, an important reminder than entrepreneurship is a fancy term for "not a successful business owner yet".

Software Engineering Radio http://www.se-radio.net/

I don't listen to any of them. I won't bother with ones that don't have a transcript. I can read way faster than people can talk, and I hate not being able to skip around.

http://www.startupsfortherestofus.com/ has lots of good information for people bootstrapping and has a reasonable, if not perfect transcript.

For things related to security, risky.biz is very good and the production quality is very high.

for people interested on linux and opensource check jupiterbroadcasting.

* Linux action show * coder radio * tech talk today * techsnap * Linux unplugged * Scibyte * bsdnow and others. Really check it out they are really good.

Entrepreneur On Fire

NPR Planet Money

Ted Radio Hour

Ted Talks Audio

All are informative, inspiring and great to listen to over a cup of coffee.

NPR: Planet Money Roderick on the Line Radiolab NPR: Snap Judgment

Norm MacDonald Live.

Mixergy... the only one I listen to. It is the best!

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