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OCaml: The Bugs So Far (roscidus.com)
76 points by ctoth on July 12, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Also worth reading the follow up - OCaml: What You Gain [1] and the overall retrospective [2]. If you search HN for the titles you can find discussions about those. The author will be also be speaking at OCaml 2014 this year [3].

[1] http://roscidus.com/blog/blog/2014/02/13/ocaml-what-you-gain...

[2] http://roscidus.com/blog/blog/2014/06/06/python-to-ocaml-ret...

[3] http://ocaml.org/meetings/ocaml/2014/program.html

Quite an interesting series of articles :)

The Unix.waitpid failing because the author ported the python code, and did not realise that the python version did something nice which avoided one of the types of bugs.

Quite a number of the bugs appear to be because of things that the python code did nicely without the author realising it.

This shows how the comparison between a second system, and the first system is not really fair. This is because much of the code is already tested in the first system. It also seems to suggest that prototyping in a language like python as a first system is a great way to improve the quality of the second system. Finish it first quickly, and then improve the quality.

It also shows the danger of not using the protective parts of the first system in the second system. For example, the advanced integers in python avoided some bugs for the author, which manifested in the second system. The python integers automatically handle overflow, whereas the OCaml ones are 31bit on 32bit systems.

OCaml uses non-deterministic garbage collection, whereas python mostly uses reference counting (in CPython). This is another case where the first system was safer in one aspect.

Perhaps OCaml could consider taking on some of these features from python to improve safety.

Glue code when libraries are wrapped is another area where these bugs seem to happen. Some of the GTK bugs, and system call bugs are ones caused by badly wrapped functions. With more stable and well tested wrapped code, the smaller the likelihood of bugs there will be. Whilst automating wrapper generation might stop some bugs, I am not convinced, after having used buggy automatically generated wrappers many times where the manually written ones are far superior.

The post also proves that a number of bugs were not caught by testing or static type checking. This makes me wonder if the author has 100% unit test coverage or not? Some of the bugs should have been caught by unit testing, and others could only have been caught by functional testing. Some of the platform bugs could have been caught with continuous integration testing on those platforms.

> Caml uses non-deterministic garbage collection, whereas python mostly uses reference counting (in CPython). This is another case where the first system was safer in one aspect.

I certainly would not call CPython's memory management approach "safer" [1]. As you can see, CPython has a nice accidental memory leak trap door there, OCaml does not.

Also I see little value in partially deterministic memory management like in the case of CPython's ref-counting + GC combo.

[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8025888/does-python-gc-de...

That is not even a problem in python. You've pointed out One strange case with cyclic references, that can be garbage collected by the optional garbage collector that is enabled by default. You can even test to see if there are cycles with the garbage collector and remove the cycles if you want (making it more sane, and deterministic in the process). The linked page even shows how you can detect the cycle with python, and then remove it. So by default this wouldn't be a problem in python. Also, in a production system which actually tests their code for cycles, this would not be a problem in python with the GC turned off.

In practice I've found it useful to avoid many types of weird behaviour that GC systems have. Where you often need to tweak the GC so it behaves nicely with your system. These pathological non-deterministic behaviours are often just not there with ref counting. How many java or rails articles have you seen where they talk about adjusting the GC so the apps don't blow up?

GC is also the enemy of fast. But not in the throughput way that many people measure it. Instead in the latency way. Where if you have GC it can take longer to process a request, due to the non-deterministic behaviour. This is noticeable in many Java systems that stop for a second to collect occasionally. If you're in a real-ish time system, then using GC or allocating memory is slow. If every 100th web request takes 1 second, or you get janky animations, or occasionally take too long to respond to user input, then that is a broken program in those domains.

The linux kernel, QT, and Objective C automatic reference counting are much better forms of reference counting. The CPython one isn't the best, but still does give you some of the benefits. CPython does have memory pools and reference counting, which means if you are very careful you can avoid pathological cases of memory allocation in a deterministic way. You can also more easily manage memory manually if you need to. Since once you remove all references to an object it is free'd immediately. With GC, how do you know the 3GB object is freed now, or in 1 second? Will that cause swapping to happen? What about with the next version of INSERT_GC_LANG that changes the GC behaviour?

> OCaml uses non-deterministic garbage collection, whereas python mostly uses reference counting (in CPython). This is another case where the first system was safer in one aspect.

How is reference counting safer?

It is deterministic. Meaning you know how it will behave each time the program is run. Whereas garbage collection can behave differently each time the program is run.

GC vs reference counting has nothing to do with determinism. For the same inputs, the same allocation profiles and same GC events will happen.

Note that CPython's reference counting is by means automatically simpler than OCaml's incremental GC. CPython has heuristics to detect cycles (which normally cause memory leaks in a pure reference counting system), as well as a number of heuristics to optimise performance based on locality and temporal properties of object allocation. All of these contribute to making the CPython runtime less predictable (but faster).

The OCaml GC is extremely predictable and has very few tricks. It's explained in one chapter of Real World OCaml: https://realworldocaml.org/v1/en/html/understanding-the-garb...

When is the GC activated exactly? When there is not enough memory available. This is the problem, because depending on the data the program is processing this changes.

So if you run your program with different inputs (why would you run it if the inputs are always the same?) then the GC will be activated in entirely different parts of your program!

This makes it non deterministic because objects in OCaml can destruct at different times in your program depending on the inputs. With reference counting, they are destructed at exactly the time when they have no references.

With OCaml GC, the code can run in a different order depending on the GC variables and depending on the program inputs.

The bug in the original article was caused because the GC was finalising it at a time the author did not consider. Probably because the code assumed reference counting behaviour of finalising when there are no references.

"OCaml's automatic memory management guarantees that a value will eventually be freed when it's no longer in use, either via the GC sweeping it or the program terminating"

So, it can guarantee your object will be freed... but only when the program terminates? That's not a very strong promise.

Well of course it can't guarantee that your object will be freed beforehand if the GC does not get a chance to run before the program terminates. It does say if the GC runs it will be freed if no longer in use.

> This makes it non deterministic because objects in OCaml can destruct at different times in your program depending on the inputs.

There's clearly a different notion of deterministic there! If your program using ref counting gets a different input, the same object might be released at a different time as well, or am I misunderstanding?

> "OCaml's automatic memory management guarantees that a value will eventually be freed when it's no longer in use, either via the GC sweeping it or the program terminating"

> So, it can guarantee your object will be freed... but only when the program terminates? That's not a very strong promise.

”A or B imply C” is not the same as ”B implies C”. There's a logic mistake there.

I think illumen is referring to the concept of "deterministic destruction", which exists in refcounted languages but not in GC'd ones. It's not quite the same as "determinism".

Oh, ok. So every python implementations follow that practice?

No, just CPython I think.

Amazing that the bug count was so small.

The only one that caught my attention was garbage collecting your functional reactive code. The solution was to use global variables. That's a huge red flag.

Overall though, this is a pretty positive report for committing some 30KLOC. Amazing, really.

"Fails to Start on Windows" sounds more like your lack of experience with Windows than a 3rd party issue.

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