FoxwoodsFiends is Ariel Schneller, high stakes poker player.
So my guess is he decided not to continue and maybe has a small stake in the company?
Back when Google was selling ads on TV, he bought one for super cheap and made a stupid commercial about himself. Pretty funny stuff...
ex·e·ge·sis ˌeksiˈjēsis/ noun noun: exegesis; plural noun: exegeses
critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture. "the task of biblical exegesis" synonyms: interpretation, explanation, exposition, explication More
FoxwoodsFiends is Ariel Schneller, high stakes poker player.
So my guess is he decided not to continue and maybe has a small stake in the company?
Back when Google was selling ads on TV, he bought one for super cheap and made a stupid commercial about himself. Pretty funny stuff...