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Random question: If the specially blessed form names for user signup is 'username' and 'new-password', what's the name of the field that's "password again" (for typos)?

According to the "Your App, Your Website, and Safari" WWDC session from this year [1] (Slide titled "Signing up with confirmation" towards the end of the document), you simply use the `current-password` or `new-password` autocomplete attribute again for confirmation of either field.

[1] (Session PDF Link): http://devstreaming.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2014/506xxeo80e5ky...

I was confused by your wording and checked the slides myself.

For some reason I was convinced that these were name attribute values, not an `autocomplete` attribute.

I don't think autocomplete is supposed to work for fields that check typos?

Autocomplete doesn't make typos so why shouldn't it work?

Because it defeats the purpose of the field that's checking for typos.

And that purpose is obsolete when a computer is inputting the password.

It's necessary when you're letting safari generate a password for you. Safari needs to type in the same password twice.

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