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Yes. At present if you want a jsperf test to be remotely accurate:

1) It shouldn't exercise the GC. GC pressure totally skews jsperf results in a way it can't compensate for.

2) It should compute a result on every iteration that is checked at the end to make sure it is accurate. (This ensures that the compiler can't optimize out unused results from your benchmark loop)

3) The check should have actual control flow so it can't be ignored.

It's also worthwhile to warm all your test cases once in the setup portion of the page before the loop runs. Some performance issues only appear once you've passed multiple argument types into a function, so if you run a test case that passes in ints, and then run a test case that passes in floats, the second test case will be slower for no obvious reason. You can swap the test cases around and the second run will still be slower.

(There are actually a huge list of problems with javascript microbenchmarks, and jsperf only adds to them by being low quality software. Please use it sparingly.)

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