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To be fair, many of these apply to other JS engines as well:

- manipulating `arguments` should be avoided

- when possible, avoid looping over the properties of an object (using `in` or `Object.keys`)

In the process of optimizing for v8, you may expose other bad patterns (e.g. megamorphic functions) whose replacement will boost performance everywhere.

For example, even though https://github.com/petkaantonov/deque was developed and tuned for v8, it is still much faster than alternatives in other engines.

While true, some other bits of advice here (like pulling your try/catch into a separate function) are very V8-specific and may well produce _worse_ code in other implementations.

http://jsfiddle.net/G83mW/14/ has a testcase for the try/catch thing that is interesting to compare in different browsers...

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