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Any word on if they're going to do any testing of landing the first stage on this launch? It looks like they're using the first stage landing legs.

Yes, they'll be making another flyback and ocean landing attempt -- this time closer to shore and hopefully with a better signal to receive uncorrupted video! (The last time, the plane they were receiving the booster's telemetry from was too far from the landing site to get a clean signal).

Actually, some people on nasaforums.com made unbelievable progress in reconstructing the original landing video from the original raw corrupted stream. Here's the progress made so far:


Cool! I read that they were asking for help in reconstructing it, but I didn't think they'd make that much progress at it.

That's amazing.

I peeked in at the discussion about trying to recover more of the stream. It was pretty neat. Some of those folks really know their stuff when it comes to the bit-level details of video encoding. As I recall, a bunch of the errors in the stream ended up being fairly regular and identifiable/reversible with human intelligence, like repeated sequences of N flipped bits every M bits.

The fact that they could look at the raw data and figure that out is really awesome. Shows you artificial intelligence has a long way to catch up.

I believe part of the problem last time was also that a storm was in the recovery area.

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