Second the recommendation for TT-RSS. For a few bucks it has a good Android app that can hook into your self-hosted server as well. For me it beats a plain old "dumb" mobile app with no sync service since I check so infrequently that I'll sometimes miss stories on feeds that don't maintain a full backlog of posts--it gives me peace of mind knowing that I have a cron job saving everything for me even when I'm not actively doing anything.
Since Google Reader went away I've tried to self-host from the Raspberry Pi. Low resource usage was a priority, then, and TT-RSS was a touch too heavy for my liking.
Miniflux was faster, which I now use for audio/visual content (also appreciated its encouragement to pare down my feed list) but the overall winner in terms of pure day-to-day simple usage is Newsbeuter.
It's a mutt-like RSS reader and it's just an extremely efficient way to keep on top of feed information. And of course it's nice to be able to read feeds over SSH directly.
Third here! I have it running on a $5 DigitalOcean VPS (along with Exim, Dovecot and a static website on Nginx) and it just flies. The SSD helps, though - it can be heavy on I/O.
For example, I use it with the feedly theme ( and af_feedmod to get a full text feed for various sites (