Noticed this jump over the last few days, randomly checking the price with DDG. It's never clear what's behind these things, but I'm sure there will be some explanation (when the jump has reversed, no doubt).
The "Bubble Watch" graphs have been updated daily for several months in anticipation of a future bubble. Bitcoin's market price has spiked seven times since its inception, every 220 days on average, and the above graphs overlay the previous bubbles with the current performance to predict when a bubble might occur.
Such charts may be a self fulfilling prophecy, though it's interesting to see how well the past bubbles align with the current spike.
To get another view of the past bubbles, go to, set "Settings -> Scale -> Logarithmic", and change the view to 3d.
You know what WAS 15 days ago? Our launch. I can't share transaction volumes or any other metrics right now, but I will say they have been substantial and are growing naturally and introducing a brand new group of people to Bitcoin.
I'm getting downvoted with a previous comment because it probably looks like spam but you can find me online if you want more details on who we are and what we make.
My company launched a Facebook Bitcoin wallet two weeks ago and we've been seeing a lot of organic viral growth. We've had a few people in the Bitcoin community say that they're sure that it must be our app and the press related to such consumer friendly Bitcoin applications.