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The backstory to this is that it's just as likely that flagged revisions will open the encyclopedia up. Wikipedia already has a mechanism to keep people from editing controversial pages: "protection". A protected page can't be edited by anyone but an admin. "Flagged" pages are more open than the protected/semi-protected pages.

You know, that exact same argument was made about semiprotection.

Do you know what the result was? A small fall in full protection - and a massive expansion in semiprotection (and thus protection in general).

But full protection is an extreme measure, and semi-protection is far less extreme, which mostly impacts anonymity.

A tiny minority of WP pages are even semi-protected.

Flagged revisions falls somewhere between semi- and full-, and will likely be used accordingly.

You know, I've never quite understood why logged-out editing is associated with "anonymity". You're far more anonymous logged in as a pseudonym than you are as a logged-out IP address.

Not always; it's only true when each IP = one editor, in which case it is indeed less anonymous than pseudonyms.

Pseudonymous editing can be much less anonymous - consider if you are editing from behind AOL's dynamic IPs, or from one of the IP addresses that proxy entire countries. That is, if you're a Qatari editor, editing anonymously means your edits could belong to any subset of ~1.5 million people; if you edit pseudonymously...

> Flagged revisions falls somewhere between semi- and full-, and will likely be used accordingly.

Used 'accordingly', sensibly - like de did by flagging every article?

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