We said browser changes over the years ate into that revenue stream. In other words, as our traffic volume quadrupled, we were essentially making similar amounts of money, rowing four times as hard for each dollar.
Part of it was the browsers, and part of it was us not wanting to do lame techniques like pop-ups, flash ads, and other obnoxious things.
It was an arms race we weren't interested in participating in, and one we ultimately expected to lose. Who wants to fight a battle for a cause they don't even believe in?
I could think of so many things I'd rather focus our engineering talents on than maximizing how many nickels we could shake out of each user. So we decide to do make the change and focus on creating things of value instead.
He apparently didn't read your post. I don't understand why the hate. Your post was very clear on why you did what you did.
PS: I would suggest you get additional DNS addresses that are easier. I mean, google's are so conveniently easy: and I can readily add them without giving them much thought after any installation.
Part of it was the browsers, and part of it was us not wanting to do lame techniques like pop-ups, flash ads, and other obnoxious things.
It was an arms race we weren't interested in participating in, and one we ultimately expected to lose. Who wants to fight a battle for a cause they don't even believe in?
I could think of so many things I'd rather focus our engineering talents on than maximizing how many nickels we could shake out of each user. So we decide to do make the change and focus on creating things of value instead.