I'm curious to hear why Dropbox isn't an option for you, given that this supports client-side encryption. Ideological aversion to Condoleezza? Enterprise bureaucracy? Other?
Not necessarily - the main reason why I don't want to store my notes with Evernote is because I want to be able to use them in 50 years, not because I'm opposed to sync them with a 3rd party server.
for the AppStore version. (AppStore apps get their own mini-filesystem.)
You should be able to back this up and use it at any time in the future without Evernote. You do have to make sure you regularly sync and backup though.
Edit: I would like to add that I like the idea of using markdown, however. Evernote docs often contain undesired baggage from the original clipped html.
Mainly because I'd have to create a Dropbox account just for notes and also because I'm a heavy notes user and don't want to depend upon a proprietary vendor for syncing (SyncStorage is better in that regard).