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Qt 5.3 Released (digia.com)
29 points by hamidr on May 20, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Nice to see Qt advancing steadily. Hoping that QML perf was particularly increased. The new WinRT and WP8 integration is nice to see. QQuickWidget is also a good idea, will allow for gradual migration of legacy QWidget apps to the new QML based world.

The new QML-to-C++ compiler also sounds interesting. I guess it is compiling to a mixture of plain C++ where possible (eg: simple arithmetic where deducible) and calls to some internal interpreter API for other parts. Looks like the compiler is not yet open-source?

I imagine it does a similar approach to XAML compiler in Windows, that generates an optimized binary representation of the code.

Yep, it seems to be only available to enterprise customers.

This is great!

C++ is currently my to go language, for my cross platform mobile hobby projects.

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