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Integrating Google Docs, Chrome, and IPython (plus.google.com)
96 points by renatooliveira on May 18, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

This is fantastic news - I spend about two-three hours a day in iPython. It's completely replaced my tool chain of awk/sed/wc/grep that I previously used to do analytics on various files - and not only allows me to do much more complex analysis, but also maintains "state" in a visual way so that I can quickly hop through a number of file load/analysis/report cycles.

Being able to do this interactively is going to be a huge win.

If anyone else is interested in real-time collaborative IPython environments, check out https://coderpad.io/.

It's less focused on the data analysis side and more focused on collaborative coding for interview environments. You get a full IPython shell with most of the niceties (syntax highlighting, exception captures, etc).

I wish environments like that supported something like 'run with..' option that would allow for the entry of arguments which would be fed to the script.

I know it's not a big deal to get data another way, but it'd allow for the following of a tutorial like Learn Python the Hard Way totally in-browser.

It might just be me but $50/month for the lowest tier seems a little overpriced. I know it depends on how much utility one can get out of it - maybe I just can't think of $50 of utility.

I might not therefore be the target market.

SageMathCloud (https://cloud.sagemath.com/) also does real-time collaboration on IPython notebooks.

> we don't have a GitHub or anything user's can download yet, but stay tuned for more updates.

Crying shame.

That's true for the GDrive integration. All of the python-in-PNaCl code is available already as part of naclports.

At SciPy this year, Kester and I will be giving a talk on this: https://conference.scipy.org/scipy2014/schedule/presentation...

Brilliant. I'm a little surprised at how exciting this is. I can foresee some opportunities to make serious changes in how I communicate at work. Now I just need to figure out some Android support.

An unanswered question in the G+ discussion is how libraries not in the default config can be added. Can I "pip install" into a NaCl IPython kernel?

No, not quite. It depends on if the library is pure python. If it is, then adding support for pip install is possible, but not implemented. If it's not pure python, it is a lot harder -- it has to be statically linked into the PNaCl executable, which sometimes requires a bit of patching the code. For example, to get pandas in, I had to modify how it included np_datetime, and to get HDF5 in I had to pre-generate how it managed endianness.

That being said, I've been working on making it easier for pure python importing, and one fun thing is that you can actually mount an HTTP/CORS-accessible endpoint as a file system and import that. I have done this with a pastebin; I turned on CORS, mounted it inside the NaCl kernel, and executed pastes.

will it be possible to have an email when it's ready ?

wow, that's pretty neat.

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