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Google for Erlang (google.com)
92 points by krschultz on Aug 20, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

What are we, an 'antisocial news' website now?

Go ahead, bury me. :\

It's the only way to prune the rose bush. Shit was getting pretty wilted.

No, it wasn't. Some of us have flag options for a reason.

Apparently a lot of people disagree with you, given the number of Erlang articles. Not that it's a very good way to deal with the problem.

Not that said "problem" can be identified objectively, anyway.

Not that flagging does enough anymore even if you did agree there was a problem, thanks to the fact that herd upvotes are now taken into account when determining how many flags are necessary.

Okay, we're taking it a bit too far now. Really? A web search?

read the search query

Wow. Today is Erlang day at HN.

Why are we having Erlang day instead of _why day?

Why do we have to have Erlang day while I am knee deep in messy PHP work?

They're trying to chase away the _why articles; or so I'm told.

Oh in that case I approve.

I see what you did there.

http://news.ycombinator.com/classic is slightly less flooded.

(Last time it was supposed to scare away newbies. This time I see a lot of <30-day-old accounts posting the articles to start with.)

Personally? I find the slew of erlang articles to be far more annoying than the _why articles.

Chapeau! It's hacks like this that make me love the HN community :)

Yes, why is there an Erlang day?

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