> achieved equal popularity to that of Clojure, Scala or Groovy on the JVM
Clojure and Scala seem to be tied for 2nd place popularity behind Java, but Groovy's lagging far behind. Were you looking at the bintray-maven download stats at https://bintray.com/groovy/maven/groovy/view/statistics for Groovy when you put it in with Scala and Clojure? Even tho those stats show 660,000 downloads of Groovy over the past month, click on country and you'll see 625,000 of them came from a server in China, only 12,000 from the US, and 2000 from Germany, the 3 biggest countries. Obviously the China stats are fabricated. Groovy's true popularity is far behind Scala and Clojure.
I was just listing what I assumed were the top 3 most popular non-Java languages on the JVM. But perhaps it's already been overtaken by Kotlin or Ceylon.
Clojure and Scala seem to be tied for 2nd place popularity behind Java, but Groovy's lagging far behind. Were you looking at the bintray-maven download stats at https://bintray.com/groovy/maven/groovy/view/statistics for Groovy when you put it in with Scala and Clojure? Even tho those stats show 660,000 downloads of Groovy over the past month, click on country and you'll see 625,000 of them came from a server in China, only 12,000 from the US, and 2000 from Germany, the 3 biggest countries. Obviously the China stats are fabricated. Groovy's true popularity is far behind Scala and Clojure.