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If it's not for profit, why don't you open source the server-side code too? Then those that are interested can rely on their own infrastructure.

Note that you're forking the net with this though. As far as I understood in the posts about TextSecure here:

- You can run your own server

- Your server cannot talk to the 'official' servers

- Federation is somewhat possible, but works on a 'We whitelist your machine' base

It's not XMPP. So people using 'Default' TextSecure and your friends & family on your own TextSecure server would be isolated, as far as I understand.

I'd love to be corrected though, because THAT (not business model/jurisdication) is my reason why I'm not comfortable using/recommending it. No offense to moxie and his team, but for me this is another Threema unless running under my (most likely not competent enough, if we're honest) supervision.

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