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This Mayday idea and video really have nothing to do with what you're talking about.

The focus of this video isn't the bad economy, it's the obstruction of democracy in our system of government. This is the Princeton study to which he's referring, and which likely played a role in inspiring this campaign:


The results of the study can be summarized as "because of the role of money in politics, we are living in an oligarchy, not a democracy."

Therefore, this campaign has nothing to do with "where did the jobs go" and everything to do with how our system of government is heavily distorted in favor of the ultra-rich, rather than being reflective of popular opinion.

I'll give you that many people would probably link our current economic problems to this failure of our government, but the campaign isn't saying that they're the same thing.

How this point went sailing over your head and apparently the heads of everybody who upvoted your comment is somewhat baffling.

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