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Agreed. It is interesting how "up in arms" so many people are getting. I've never used TDD and have been very successful both in the startup world and enterprise world. I used to think I was "inferior" and had to keep quite about my lack of TDD. At least DHH has "put a voice" to our kind.

I span that weird space between product and engineering though. So most of the time I'm hacking in something like "prototype" mode, so TDD just makes no sense. I approach it more like sculpting. I'm slowing hacking away at this block of marble to produce an elegant "beautiful" product. Once it start to take shape I can create tests and specs to define the learnings and creations that I've made.

Tests first? It just doesn't work for me.

Indeed. However this doesn't mean that TDD is dead - which is what a lot of people who do not like TDD seem to believe. I know you might not have said this but this whole movement is misguided.

If anything, if the adherents of TDD were to properly abandon it, then that would be TDD dying because they would have come up with something better or moved on.

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