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Maybe the real problem is that we have crappy tools for hexagonal-oriented architectures; especially Rails. Classic Rails style dictates that ActiveRecord is Good Enough for your domain logic. This creates a sort of framework lock-in: inheritance is one of the strongest forms of coupling there is, especially when you inherit from classes you do not control. The framework superclass is a likely to be a relic of current-gen frameworks that we do not tolerate in the future.

The technological way out is to use a Data Mapper pattern ORM to isolate the domain logic and the persistence. But this approach won't catch on, because Rails devs have tasted the simplicity of ActiveRecord and aren't about to do more work to get the same result.

It is telling that many language communities eventually head towards amalgamating a collection of really good libraries in a low-coupling manner. This is still a fringe movement in Ruby, currently.

If ActiveRecord allows you to do less work for the same result, at least for some less complicated applications, isn't that a good thing? I think that's DHH's whole point - we shouldn't be pursuing some mythical perfectly testable architecture where it doesn't make sense. If you can write clearer, more concise code for less effort that doesn't fit into the purely separated, easily testable TDD approach, is that really such a bad thing?

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