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I took notice of that passage also. But the main reason the 99.5 to 99.95 percentages is meaningful is that they were measures of a daily risk. So it quickly compounds into a meaningful percentages; the 99.95% rate meant an 83% chance patient would stay well this year, the 99.5% rate meant only a 16% chance of staying well for this year.

Many of the medical percentages that we see quoted in media are derived using a lifetime risk basis, _not_ a daily one. On a lifetime basis the difference between 99.95% and 99.5% _is_ negligible.

I wonder how many people reading this article are aware of the difference.

How understanding log odds can save your life.

It is well explained in the article, since the point is about daily treatment compliance. I would expect the readers to grok that in context :)

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