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> Even if it's technically wrong: Unix as a platform is now Linux. Everything else is niche products, and we don't have to use the same init mechanism on Linux/BSD/whatever just because we can.

I think it's a shame most of the original page comes off as backwards thinking, Unix nostalgia and FUD like claims.

Because this one thing is actually quite important and something we should care about.

You can claim that Linux is now Unix and everything else is just niches. Great. Like Hurd. Clearly a play-thing. No point being portable enough to work there.

However back in the days, Unix was the real thing and Minix/Linux was just a toy itself. But hadn't software initially been portable, Linux could never have risen to what it is today.

When we are making an init-system with Linux kernel-dependencies, and making other core platform services like DEs dependent on this init-system again, we are tightening the bonds beyond what's useful, effectively hindering other platforms from ever gaining mass adaptation, even if they should otherwise deserve it.

SO while I appreciate systemd in general there are aspects of this development I indeed thinks deserves some more and warranted criticism.

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