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I concur, runit absolutely rocks. Haven't tried systemd yet, I wonder if the two play nice together (if they don't, it won't be runits' fault, that's for sure).

Might try the old-school daemontools, even though the commands are a bit different, it might be less work to get something going.

From your other comments I can tell you're a seasoned daemontools user, so let me just put in a quick plug for daemontools-encore [1]. Like runit, daemontools-encore can now run services in separate process groups with setsid(1). Why is this so darn important? Well, under classic daemontools a ./run file with a pipeline in it -- or really anything that forked -- would spin off orphans every time you did `svc -t|-k`. Very bad stuff to deal with in a production environment.

[1] http://untroubled.org/daemontools-encore/

Yup, it's one of those annoying things that makes run scripts more complicated. I rewrote phusion's runit setuser helper in Go because it didn't set all the right env vars.


Huh, looks pretty similar to envuidgid(8) from daemontools. [1]

Another plug for daemontools-encore (last one I promise). The setuidgid(8) program in classic daemontools doesn't set supplementary groups, and a lot of people I know just end up just using sudo in their run files. If you use daemontools-encore though, you can just use `setuidgid -s` instead.

PS. Really, daemontools-encore should imo be called daemontools 1.x, but you know how djb feels about forks of his projects...

[1] http://cr.yp.to/daemontools/envuidgid.html

The problem as per the Phusion blog article is that the runit and possibly daemontools equivalent commands don't set all env vars: HOME, USER, GID & UID, it only calls setgid() & setuid() IIRC. (envuidgid only sets UID and GID[0]) This causes breakage for lots of apps that end up inheriting root's env instead. :(

Here's the go version I wrote, so there's no need for dep on Python/Ruby/etc on the target system:

    setuser USERNAME COMMAND [args...]

    # how to build it
    go get   github.com/steakknife/my_init/setuser
    go build github.com/steakknife/my_init/setuser
    # creates setuser exe here
[0] FR issue submitted as https://github.com/bruceg/daemontools-encore/issues/18

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