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Warhol began archiving material well before his death. There is a lot of it, and until there's a reason...such as a grant...to look in a box, nobody is likely to.


Thank you for that!


(Correct link).

It has given me an idea - I think I will do the same, I sort of do now anyway. Put stuff in a box and send it to storage. Saves having to deliberate over clutter and its bin-worthiness.

I am sure that was what Mr. Warhol was doing rather than deliberately putting together some archive of his life for people with annoying art interests to fester over.

It is just as well all x billion of us don't leave 100s of boxes of clutter behind, to be archived.

"Click here to launch the experience"

Its a bloody web page not an "experience".

No. It is an experience. In bad design. Almost as criminal as the 'Design Museum' or a Flash landing page (I wish we still had them).

Yes he was an extreme pack rat, like a lot of artists. I read he even archived his garbage. If you do mixed-media work or still-lifes, it makes sense too. I think Rembrandt and Picasso were pack rats too.

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