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In a positive way I miss some examples of "hurting my designs" and "what that approach is doing to the integrity of your system design". Why TDD is doing that? Could you show me where do you have problems? That would be a nice piece of feedback to learn.

The post feels like a rant mixed with fallacies and a salt of contempt. I'd expect it from Zed Shaw. I'm sure Zed could do it much better.

TDD is dead and the third word in the post is "fundamentalism". Yes, nobody can say that fundamentalisms in tools are good. Every tool has its use cases. Although it doesn't justify the "TDD is dead" motto. Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like a "Straw man" fallacy. Half of the post is dedicated to build a straw man of fundamentalism nobody can deny.

The other second half is focused in unit tests. While he talks about "Test-first units", all unit tests (written before or after) have the aforementioned issues. Unless they're not unit . Thus we're introduced to other tests types that are not unit.

@programminggeek in a previous comment talked about this, is the test pyramid (http://martinfowler.com/bliki/TestPyramid.html). In this moment the conversation is outside the TDD scope, but discussing about how good or bad are different kind of tests. Again, nobody can deny the benefits of having different test types and not only unit. IMHO is a another red herring fallacy.

So what did I get from it?

  - Fundamentalisms in tools/paradigms are bad.
  - DHH has some problems in his designs he cannot unit test.
  - Using only unit tests is bad, you need more high level tests.
  - Try capybara.

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