The service sector generally starts between 7 and 8, and is pretty large.
I generally start working (on blogging side projects) around 7:00 but don't show up at my day job till 9:30. I'd have to be a partner/founder/MD/CxO level before I'd be OK with 7:00 meetings. Why would I give the morning hours away?
If I could get up at 5:00 without being too out-of-sync with the rest of the world, I would. It's insanely productive. I seem to be naturally creeping in the early direction by about 15 minutes per year I age.
I generally start working (on blogging side projects) around 7:00 but don't show up at my day job till 9:30. I'd have to be a partner/founder/MD/CxO level before I'd be OK with 7:00 meetings. Why would I give the morning hours away?
If I could get up at 5:00 without being too out-of-sync with the rest of the world, I would. It's insanely productive. I seem to be naturally creeping in the early direction by about 15 minutes per year I age.