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And replace the free market with what? Communism? Where people like you try to show your brilliance at dictating how things "should be"? GTFO.

Reasonably regulated market where people are free to pursue economic opportunities but with oversight that protects the underclass and underprivileged?

We have a reasonably regulated market. What we don't have is a system where people get to live where they want to live without regards to what they can afford.

SF renters need to back up the U-Haul truck and find new places to live where they can afford it. They are not "entitled" to live in SF simply because they want to.

The problem is, you're asking people who've lived in a place for generations just to up and move because yuppies want easier access to bars and fancy coffee shops. Surely you can understand why this isn't so simple, I hope.

People who have roots are getting uprooted because they declined or couldn't get in on the sweet tech boom dollars. A lot of the locals are pissed.

I live in Brooklyn, and I live in a part of Brooklyn that really, if they figured out I worked in Tech, I wouldn't be shocked if they showed up with torches and pitchforks as a warning to others.

I understand the problem. I just don't give it any validity. The renters think their wishes and desires to live in a specific area are more important than other people who wish to live in that same area. It comes across as immature and whining.

It's not just renting. It's income as well. There are lots of folks whining about how others make more money and how that "isn't fair". It's a broad theme of people complaining and having a sense of entitlement.

you don't think it's unfair that a landlord can upend your life and make it complete hell just so they can get tenants who are willing to pay more?

This isn't about moving, this is about completely changing lives. How to get to work, who's in the neighborhood, what's the neighborhood flavor like... it's more than just "living in a specific area" it's about living life.

Income inequality is another issue all together. No, it's not fair that a fast food joint has the guys who flip burgers and run the cash register do all the work and get literally the least amount of money the business can legally give them. And yes, they could just go look for other jobs... if there were any. In a lot of places, there just isn't other work. For others, their particular field may have been decimated. A friend of mine was a bar certified lawyer in corporate finance. ... when he graduated in 2008.

Yeah. life isn't fair, and maybe part of it is roughing it. But another part of it is also recognizing that the system has been inadvertently rigged towards the relatively wealthy and hyper wealthy.

There's reasons why there are protests in the streets of the Bay Area, and tone deaf responses like this are one of them.

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