Here's the story, I have never been very good at maths in school and to be honest, any other subjects really. I could get by, but never pushed myself. School was never the best environment for me to learn, but when I'm studying at home, I like it.
So over the past few weeks I have been thinking about trying to learn mathematics again at my own pace (starting at the basics), what books would you recommend?
"How To Solve It" George Polya. Heurists and problem solving skills, by a great mathematician.
Do a google search, specially in the sci.math newsgroup. Again, read books by mathematicians for mathematicians; they're often far more enjoyable and actually far more straightforward (I was often confused by the examples in my school work; I didn't care for "vehicle moving at speed X" or "object falling at from height Y". We all have a different internal visual mind and I tended to think in abstract patterns, usually colors, lines or nested bodies, without real physical objects distracting me.)