It was an internal system. We noticed with 'netstat' that it had a connection to an outside system. 'who' told us it was the account setup for Huawei remote support, and the IP address told us indeed that it was from a Huawei network.
The SQL query took 15 minutes to run. We saw it using 'ps'.
That's weird. Bash_history doesn't usually get flushed for every command you run; only when you exit an interactive shell. If you `kill -9 $$` or erase the .bash_history file and create it as a directory, it loses the history. The exception is if you create a custom PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -n", which would append on each new bash prompt. (You'd think a hacker would know these things...?)
That "history -a" bit is extremely common if the environment has shared storage like NFS in use or multiple shells are common. It would not surprise me at all to see it on by default on an account used for debugging / support purposes as a cheap audit measure.
The SQL query took 15 minutes to run. We saw it using 'ps'.
We then kept dumping their '.bash_history'.