I, for one, am glad to see example Elixir apps with some polish that are published freely. I've been meaning to get into Elixir and Erlang, but lack of polished example apps has been a stumbling block for me, and though I have no immediate need for a TeamChat app at all, it's one of those examples like "The Todos App" that you can even perform as a code-kata in your language of choice.
It would be great if I didn't have to use any Off-the-Shelf code at all, or if I must, if I actually had the time and knowledge to review it for serious vulnerabilities. But posts like this are why I come to HN.
var t = document.createTextNode(msg);
That code sanitises all possible content in msg. I don't need to list out HTML tags, script/style tags, do special case for unicode exploits, etc.
You need to list what variables are "unsafe", but you don't need to list out the ways they might be unsafe. If it's got the potential to be unsafe, assume it's completely unsafe in every conceivable way, and don't use it in any context apart from as an unsafe text string.
The rookie code is something like:
msg.replace("something I think is unsafe", "something safer");
And agreed. InnerHTML should be removed from browsers.
I think the point was that it's inherently less safe to allow arbitrary markup and then attempt to sanitize it, than to make a full parser that's incapable of generating unsafe HTML at any stage, all other things being equal.
The safety of widely-deployed Markdown + sanitizer libraries is largely thanks to testing at scale and a history of patches for XSS vulnerabilities.
You don't make an app/website secure by deciding on a list of things you need to sanitise.
You sanitise everything to start with.
A very common rookie error.