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When the elites are allowed censor "bad" voices, it ends up hurting progress. The elites of the middle ages did the same to the "bad" voices defying the clergy. The elites in Afghanistan do the same to the "bad" and "immoral" voices demanding freedom for women.

The brain plays tricks on you and makes you believe that your perception/ideas are "good", while those opposing you are 'bad'. Letting humanity play into the hands of this cognitive bias of the elites or the majority. Nothing worse for progress. We could've come much further had it not been for this.

If no one in the 'elite' club thinks that my ideas are 'good', does that mean my ideas are wrong?

It has been and will be bad science to suppress "bad"/"crazy"/"stupid" ideas. "Bad" of today might be the status quo tomorrow. Interfering with this evolution is "bad". No matter how smart you think you are.

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