Yup. I'm at 935 points and I can endorse comments. I feel like this is going to be such a dilemma for me, and HN, as a community, will soon discuss what really can be endorsed, even though PG already set some rules.
I feel bad that comments posted just to say they agree with someone/something cannot/will not be seen. This type of 'noise', as long as it is sprinkled lightly throughout, isn't so bad, in my opinion. I mean, I understand HN is meant to reward thoughtful comments, but at what point does this concept go into Less Wrong-type of ridiculousness? I'm totally not trolling, but we're only human. To deconstruct all aspects of a community/forum to only allow strict logical/cerebral behaviour seems like a community I would rather not be a part of.
In the end, I'll probably not endorse any comments, or at least extremely little, because I don't know if I agree with the concept and would rather not get involved.
> I feel bad that comments posted just to say they agree with someone/something cannot/will not be seen.
Unfortunately, most of my comments of this nature are replies to unpopular comments. I feel no need to tell someone I like their work if everyone else is already doing the same. However, this system may make comments designed to be read by only one other person a thing of the past.
If you don't have a thought to go with your agreement, just push the up arrow. I agree it isn't the same thing but I see the point of hiding relatively superficial stuff on a site with so many comments.
If you have something to say, even something fairly light, I expect it will still get unpended.
I feel bad that comments posted just to say they agree with someone/something cannot/will not be seen. This type of 'noise', as long as it is sprinkled lightly throughout, isn't so bad, in my opinion. I mean, I understand HN is meant to reward thoughtful comments, but at what point does this concept go into Less Wrong-type of ridiculousness? I'm totally not trolling, but we're only human. To deconstruct all aspects of a community/forum to only allow strict logical/cerebral behaviour seems like a community I would rather not be a part of.
In the end, I'll probably not endorse any comments, or at least extremely little, because I don't know if I agree with the concept and would rather not get involved.
I'm probably in the minority here, though.