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So far this comment got downvoted twice. I bet those who downvote are Turkish. They are not explaining why did they downvote. They are as good as those that blocked Twitter in Turkey.

I've down voted you because you claim that the leaked phone conversations are fabricated.

few things about it:

1) some of the people involved accepted the authenticity of these recordings(some directly, some logically)

2) the recordings that were denied being authentic were investigated by audio forensic experts and they reported that these are real.

3) the pro-government media tried to scam US based audio studios to get reports to falsify these recordings. for an example, the mainstream pro-akp media used a report by Kaleidoscope Sound which was later denied by the studio. You can read their public statement here: https://www.facebook.com/KaleidoscopeSound

4) Other evidence brought to light by the opposition party supports the authenticity of these recordings.

5) These recordings are part of the legal prosecution.

Though there were some recordings that were made illegally, the fact that the ruling party actively blocked the legal prosecution lives no choice for the public to learn about the accusations from the whistleblower.

If the legal process was not blocked it would have been better to wait for the outcome of the prosecution, but in this case we don't have choice.

1) All of the recordings? 2) Again, for all the recordings? 3) I checked it out. They are saying that they do not know if the recordings are authentic. Since accused can not provide the original recordings actually there's no point even seeking for such forensic examination. It has to be inconclusive, that is why illegally obtained wiretappings are rendered always invalid by the courts. In that case spreading recordings that can not stand such scrutiny is an attempt of defamation, and illegal. 4) I can not check that. 5) What prosecution? Does it have a name/date?

Again I am against the blockage. However we need try to understand what could have pushed the Turkish Courts to take such grave measures.

I was right :) They ARE Turkish. Again, censorship is rampant in the opposition as well...

Downvoting you is not censorship.

blocking Twitter is not censorship(because you can't expose private conversations about corruption) but downvoting is(because you are preventing pro-government statements being celebrated).

this is what Turkish people are dealing with.

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