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I've noticed that people in a non-obvious minority group tend to be pleasantly surprised when they find out that someone distinguished is from that same minority group.

In addition to the example of gay/lesbian people, I've noticed that Canadians (nationality) and Jews (religion) tend to show this trait. It makes sense - it's pleasing to learn that one of "your tribe" is doing well.

That's the nicest, subtlest wording of OPIAF I've ever seen.

Any link explaining the usual description of OPIAF? Urban dictionary and google are failing me.

I'm guessing "OP is a fag" or similar but please enlighten me.

This is a really cruel thread.

He said in a later comment that he was, in fact, gay. I'm not putting words in his mouth, nor mentioning it in a derogatory way.

(edit: My mistake, I thought the parent comment was the same person as a lower down comment. Anyway, I wasn't deliberately "accusing" OP of being gay ... not that there's anything wrong with that.)

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